God’s will for the church is its maturity in Christ-likeness. This maturity is achieved by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God and the mutual admonition and encouragement of fellow believers.
Teamup 2019 is aimed at helping you grow in Christ through partnering with a fellow believer and committing to meet regularly to pray, to read the Bible and to encourage each other with the truths that you encounter in God’s Word. So prayerfully consider whom you will team up with and spend 2018 together pursuing… Conformity to Christ of the everlasting good of all peoples to the glory of God.
Recommendations For Your Time Together…
If your meeting is about an hour here are some suggestions for how to utilize your time.
- Begin with prayer, asking God to grant the working of the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart to the truth of His Word
- Spend about 30 minutes reading
- Alternate reading to one another a chapter at a time
- As you read watch for:
- The truths that are being presented; let the context of the passage guide you in your discovery
- The implications that these truths have for your life; how they encourage or challenge you
- Spend 20 minutes sharing about the passage; focus on the truths that particularly challenge and/or encourage you
- Close by praying for one another in relationship to the things that you have read and discussed
Reading Recommendations…
The Gospel of Mark is a great place to begin. Genesis 1-11 is also a good jumping off point because this is where we are given some important foundational truths. The New Testament Epistles are also rich ground for one-2-one Bible reading.