Team Retreat

Posted on Jul 30, 2019

We had our one-day team retreat on Saturday, June 22. We all met at the Church at 9:30 Saturday morning for a time of prayer, study and preparation for our trip in August. Part of the prep was making song boards for the songs we’ll sing at the VBS in Floodway and other outreach events.

After lunch we did a team building activity which involved about two hours of hiking around taking group pics at various locations. It gave everyone a chance to hone their geo-tracking skills and to just get out and enjoy a bit of fresh air and exercise. The hike was similar to the hiking we’ll be doing into the villages on Mindoro.  Of course it will be a bit hotter and more humid on Mindoro.

After the hike we had a BBQ back at the Church and enjoyed and evening of games and fellowship.