Sunnyside Community Church Ministry Update – March 29, 2020

Posted on Apr 5, 2020

Psalm 89:5-8—”Let the heavens praise your wonders, O LORD, your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones! For who in the skies can be compared to the LORD? Who among the heavenly beings is like the LORD, a God greatly to be feared in the council of the holy ones, and awesome above all who are around him? O LORD God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O LORD, with your faithfulness all around you?

Good morning beloved,

I trust the Lord continues to enrich your minds and hearts with His truth and to rejoice you with His loving-kindness and faithfulness. His goodness is evident all around us in the bursts of new life that we see during these early days of spring.

I’ve mentioned before that there is a grove of cottonwood trees along the route I walk. They give off the sweetest fragrance as the first begin to bud. Well, they began to bud this week and every time I walk by I can’t help but thank the Lord for this little witness to the sweetness of His kindness and goodness. The blossoms are in full array along the street up by Vern Duncan Elementary school and the red-winged black birds are in full throat in the water reserve down behind Rock Creek Middle School. All of these are demonstrations of the goodness of the Creator.

I trust you are bearing up under the restrictions imposed because of the virus. At the present, we continue to honor these, which means, there will be no gatherings at the church or with any of our ministries. It is important that we set the example and, also, demonstrate love for our neighbor by abiding by these limitations.

In the midst of these restrictions, we thank the Lord for technologies that enable us to continue to “meet”. The ladies enjoyed a great time “together” on Thursday via ZOOM, the conferencing app. Another meeting is planned for this coming Thursday evening. So, if there are any others who would like to be a part of that you can check with Julie or Geni. It does require a Smartphone or a computer and access to the internet so not everyone may be able to participate. But, there’s always the good old fashion telephone =).

Thank you to all who have been sending in or dropping off their contributions. That is very much appreciated. You can either mail them to the church’s address or drop them off at the church. Our mailbox is secured so there is no concern about that and I am at the church most mornings so you can also drop it by. If you come and I’m not there, just drop it off at the parsonage. If you would prefer to have it picked up, just let Julie know and we would be happy to do so. Once again, thank you.

Thank you to each and every one for your faithfulness in staying in touch with one another and encouraging one another. I’m encouraged when I see or hear that happening. It’s a sign of spiritual health and maturity in a church body when the members are reaching out to one another in that way. Keep on keeping on!

Please continue to pray for the many in our congregation needing prayer, as well as for our Missionaries.

I trust that the music and message for today encourages you and helps to equip you for the week ahead. Our God is enthroned in the heavens and His dominion rules over all things. He is the Master of every situation, including this one. His steadfast love is sure, never changing. And we can anchor in that truth and share it with those around us, so many of whom are anxious and have no place to really turn.

In the love of Christ,

Pastor Guy