Happy Mother’s Day!
Greetings Sunnyside Community Church,
And a Happy Mother’s Day to all our ladies. We thank the Lord for each and everyone of you. And we pray God’s blessing on you as you faithfully serve him in the high and holy calling of motherhood. May this day be a blessing to you.
I trust that the Lord continues to encourage your mind and heart in His truth and to empower you by His Spirit for faithfulness to Christ. As we continue through these “different” times we are challenged in new ways which serve as new opportunities to grow in faith and in conformity to Christ. God is faithful and will work His works in us as, by His grace, we yield to the Spirit who instructs us by the word, empowers us and leads us in the way of righteousness.
According the Governor’s statement this past Thursday it looks as though things are going to begin opening up; gradually of course. With that, it is looking very promising for us to begin having some sort of Sunday gatherings in the near future. Numbers will be restricted and “social-distancing” measures will be required; be that as it may, we will be able to come together for fellowship and corporate worship. Stay tuned.
Thank you to those of you who have contributed to the on-going process of Spring cleaning around the church. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and your willingness to take the time to do that. Almost all the chairs have been cleaned. There are just a few projects left on our list.
As for prayer concerns: let’s continue to pray the Lord to give wisdom to our governing officials as they guide us through this situation. Let’s also continue to pray for our missionary partners in the Philippines, as they work hard to help bring basic supplies to those hard hit by the shutdowns in the Metro Manila area, as well as the outlying provinces. Pray the Lord to continue to provide food resources, strength for His laborers and favor with the various governing officials. There are opportunities to support this effort financially. If you are interested, you can contact me.
Pray the Lord to give strength and perseverance to those dealing with the challenges of meeting needs of their churches during this extraordinary time; especially those wrestling with the challenges of making services available online who are not particularly set up to do that. I was talking with one local pastor this last week who is having to do all of the planning, recording, editing and post on his own. It is taking him two days a week to make this available to his people. We can pray the Lord to give patience and to grow his servants through these challenges.
With respect to the concerns of our church family: please continue to pray for those with health needs. Continue to pray the Lord’s encouragement for our singles, those living alone throughout this period of staying at home.
May the Lord continue to be your strength and joy as you serve Him this week. May He nurture your mind and heart by His Spirit through His Word. May He give you wisdom in your responsibilities and opportunities as you salt and light and leaven the places where He places you with the truth of Christ.
In the love of Christ,
Pastor Guy