As for God, His Way is Perfect

Posted on Sep 14, 2014


As for God, His ways are perfect.”

This was Lila Trotman’s immediate response to the news of the drowning of her husband, Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators discipleship ministry. Dawson died June 18, 1956, in the process of rescuing a young girl who had fallen from a boat into the waters of Schroon Lake in upper New York State.

Now, we know that God’s ways are perfect. We know that God does all things well, that He never fails, that He is perfect wisdom, power, and goodness so that He cannot fail to do what is good, and right.

We know that, but have we been so taken hold of by that truth that it is our spontaneous response to news such as that which Lila Trotman received that spring afternoon? Is our thinking so shaped by the reality of God’s perfect goodness that it is our immediate resting place when difficulties come? How do we arrive at such a place? How do come to be like Lila Trotman in our outlook and response to life’s challenges?

It is by Spirit through the Word. It is by means of a mind awash with the Word—the Word of God’s truth; God’s revelation of Himself in the perfection of His will and ways in all that He does. This revelation is given to us in His Word and it is as we give attention to that Word that this truth takes ahold of our minds and hearts.

There is no substitute for time prayerfully spent in the Word of God for building up our minds in the truth of His greatness and His goodness; His wisdom and His power; His purposeful hand over all that comes to pass in His creation—including in our lives; His hand in it all bringing glory to Himself and good to all who hope in Him.

I’m sure that the sudden tragic loss of her husband brought deep pain to Lila’s heart and many challenges as she moved forward. But, her feet were firmly planted on the foundation stone of truth—that God is perfect in all his ways—so that her soul was not overwhelmed by the flood waters of sorrow and doubt. Let us take care to attend the Word of God that our feet might be firmly planted in the truth as were Lila Trotman’s.

Pastor Guy

For further reading~ Psalm 18, 105, 106, 107; Isaiah 43, 45, 46