Posts by scc_admin

He has Risen

He has Risen

    “He is not here, but has risen.”—Luke 24:6 These words, spoken by the angels to the women who came in the early dawn to visit Jesus’ tomb, are among the most significant words ever to fall on human ears. I would go further and say they are the most significant, in part, because of what they mean for lost and dying humanity. They are words of joy, words of love, and words of hope.They are words of joy because they convey the reality that death has been conquered, the penalty of sin has been paid, and the way to eternal life in relationship with God has been opened. What could...

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Give Thanks to The Lord

Give Thanks to The Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His steadfast love endures forever.—Psalm 136:1 By Presidential proclamation our nation will gather this coming Thursday to give thanks. There will be much giving of thanks—expressions of gratitude, and rightly so, for we have much to be thankful for. What, ultimately, are we thankful for, and to whom are we thankful? Our text answers both questions. Ultimately our thanks is to God for His everlasting loving kindness because this is the source of all our good. We are blessed because God is a bless-ed God. He is perfect goodness. He is infinite love....

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Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith”—Hebrews 12:2a Having grown up in the country I was around farm animals quite a bit; cattle mostly, but horses too. Most of the time they were of the riding variety, but once in a while I got to see the big draft horses. They were always so impressive. In the last church that my dad pastored there was a couple, Glen and Marion Ferber, who raised Percheron work horses. These were big black beauties. One of them, a stallion, measured seventeen hands high at the shoulder. That’s nearly seventy inches. Big as they were they were well...

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Hands-only CPR Class

Hands-only CPR Class

Many were blessed with the opportunity to partake in a hands-only CPR class at the church building. Check out the pictures of this event.

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The Word of God is the Bread of Life

The Word of God is the Bread of Life

“Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”—Deuteronomy 8:3 This past Wednesday night we hosted a “hands-only” CPR class sponsored by the Clackamas fire district. As a part of the training we learned that when someone goes into cardiac arrest, for every minute that they go without breathing, without their heart pumping blood to their brain and other vital organs, their chance of surviving the cardiac arrest decreases by 10%. But, really, no one has to tell us how vital oxygen and blood flow are to life. Life must be sustained, not...

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