Posts by scc_admin

Updated GNC Prayer Requests

Updated GNC Prayer Requests

 Prayer requests: For the paper work to get done. For the Holy Spirit to go out before us, even before the invitations get sent home with students. For each member of the Team:  Tina M., Nancy S., Robert E., Carol D., Roland and Sylvia O., and Guy and Geni S. (who are on our team just because they are pastoring this effort!). The kids who will be coming to the Club. For parents to be open to letting their kids come, and then subsequently be changed too as their kids lives are affected. For God to supply every need. Thank you everyone!

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Building on a Good Foundation

Building on a Good Foundation

  When I was working in construction, building houses, I had an interesting experience that illustrates the importance of a good foundation for building a house that is straight and true. Typically, when our crew built a house, we would put in the foundation ourselves. But on one project, (in fact it was the house of the lady with the perfume, see September 28), my boss decided to have another crew do the foundation instead. So, after the foundation was in, we arrived to frame the house. It was essentially L-shaped with the garage forming one leg that extended perpendicularly toward the...

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God is Wise & Good & Sovereign

God is Wise & Good & Sovereign

  Two things we must be convinced of in the face of life’s unexpected inconveniences: 1) God is good and wise, 2) EVERYTHING that comes to pass God ordains and He does so for His glory. I was reminded of this recently. On Wednesday this week I was working in my study, and I had Mia, our sixteen-month-old yellow lab, with me. At one point during the morning I looked down from where I was working at my desk to see the power cable for my laptop chewed off and lying on the floor. Unbeknown to me, Mia had been busy. “Oh no,” I said, as I shot up out of my chair, “What have you done!” By the...

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As for God, His Way is Perfect

As for God, His Way is Perfect

  “As for God, His ways are perfect.” This was Lila Trotman’s immediate response to the news of the drowning of her husband, Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators discipleship ministry. Dawson died June 18, 1956, in the process of rescuing a young girl who had fallen from a boat into the waters of Schroon Lake in upper New York State. Now, we know that God’s ways are perfect. We know that God does all things well, that He never fails, that He is perfect wisdom, power, and goodness so that He cannot fail to do what is good, and right. We know that, but have we been so taken hold of...

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014

  Sin is not first of all a matter of wrong actions, but of wrong affections. Conversely, righteousness is not first of all a matter of right actions, but of right affections. Certainly, both sin and righteousness involve actions but these are the fruit, not the root. We do what we love. It is our affections that give birth to our actions. Affections generate motivation, and motivations take shape in actions. That this is the nature of the case is confirmed by the fact that God defines righteousness as love to Himself. The most basic act of righteousness is to love the Lord your God...

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