Sunday, August 31, 2014
2 Chronicles 6 records King Solomon’s address to the congregation of Israel and his prayer to the Lord following the completion of the Temple in Jerusalem. After acknowledging God’s faithfulness to fulfill His Word to building the Temple, Solomon speaks of God’s promise that David would not fail to have a son sitting on the throne of Israel. Having reiterated the requirement that this son walk according to the Law of God, Solomon continues in verse 17: “Now therefore, O LORD, God of Israel, let Your word be confirmed which You have spoken to Your servant David.” This request that God...
Read MoreHearts Prepared to Seek God
Sunday, August 24, 2014 2 Chronicles 19-20 are a powerful and tremendously encouraging account of God’s providential working, as well as, of His loving-kindness to His people. In this account, King Jehoshaphat undertakes the task of bringing spiritual reform to the nation of Judah. He also finds himself and his people confronted by the joint-forces of Moab and Ammon. These foes are so formidable that when he heard that this great multitude was coming against him, Jehoshaphat was filled with fear. However, he responded to the situation with faith and immediately sought the Lord in...
Read MoreSunday, August 17, 2014
“The most important thing about you is what you believe about God.” So said A.W. Tozer, well-known Chicago-area pastor and author of the last century, in the first paragraph of his book The Knowledge of the Holy. And he was right. The most important thing about you is what you believe about God because what you believe about God shapes your whole view of life in this world. Your understanding of who God is and what He is like lays the foundation for your actions in and reactions to the situations and circumstances that unfold along your journey through this world. One of...
Read MoreSteps for Life Video
Post by Sunnyside Community Church. Thank you everyone who supported Pregnancy Resource Center through prayer, funds, and walking. Babies’ and women’s lives will be changed by what was given – $1,711 from Sunnyside Community Church this year. Throughout the rest of year, let’s continue to spread the word about the value of...
Read MoreGood News Across America
July 14-26, 2014 God is using Good News Across America to enable churches to connect with their communities and impact them with the Gospel. Each year thousands of children and families are being reached; lives are being changed and churches are growing. Good News Across America is now in its seventh year, and it has been used of God to impact Chicago, Little Rock, Boston, Salt Lake, the Twin Cities, and Denver. This year they are headed to Portland! Good News Across America is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship. CEF is trusting the Lord to have 30 Portland-area churches to become...
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